Photos by Jaquie Sandoval Photography

By Angelina Cappiello
Dr. Philip DeFina, a world-renowned Cognitive Neuroscientist who has held faculty positions at major universities and medical centers throughout his career, is leading the way in the development of advanced diagnostic and treatment protocols that are giving patients a fighting chance against declining brain functions due to Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Stroke Syndromes, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Neurotoxicity, Autism, and Coma.
Affectionately known as the "mad scientist" for his innovative research, Dr. DeFina serves as the Chief Neuroscience Officer/ Clinical and Research Director at the International Institute for Brain Enhancement (IIBE) and Hyperbaric Services of the Palm Beaches, located at Delray Medical Center; and at the Advanced Brain Centers of Virginia and the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy of Northern Virginia, which is situated at Reston Hospital Center. Additionally, Dr. DeFina is the Chief Scientific Officer, CEO, and Founder of the International Brain Research Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit brain research organization based in New York City. This foundation serves as a platform for support and collaboration with leading neuroscientists and research institutions worldwide.
Dr. DeFina leads his team of doctors in implementing innovative brain treatments utilizing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT), QEEG Directed Neuro/Biofeedback, Transcranial Direct/ Alternating Current Stimulation (TDCS/TACS), Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS), Trimodal Cranial Electrical Stimulation (tCES), Low Intensity Focused Ultrasound Pulsation (LIFUP), Biostacking, and light and sound therapies. Treatments also include a wide range of intravenous and nutracuetical specialized formulations, ozone therapy, and many other modalities. Dr. DeFina has a physiological laboratory that utilizes EEG/QEEG Brain Mapping, Evoked Potentials and Event-Related Potentials.
Before initiating treatment, Dr. DeFina and his team conduct a thorough assessment to tailor treatment to each individuals unique needs. Dr. DeFina explained, "Diagnosing brain disorders is incredibly complex - its like searching for a needle in a haystack. But if there's a needle to be found, this protocol will uncover it." Advanced clinical assessments utilizing neuropsychological, neurological, and psychiatric evaluations, as well as integrative functional medical evaluations are part of the comprehensive assessment process. These are complimented by a host of advanced imaging techniques including fMRI, MRI Spectroscopy, full body CT, and PETT, with plans to incorporate Magneto Encephalography (MEG Scans) into the evaluation process.
"The future of neuroscience is here—it's now!" said Dr. DeFina, the Principal Investigator of several notable research studies, including one for the Department of Defense focused on Severe Disorders of Consciousness (SDOC) and Coma Recovery. "We are utilizing a variety of advanced technologies in innovative ways and successfully combining them to assist individuals with a wide range of brain injuries, from concussions to coma, as well as children with autism spectrum disorder and those with various forms of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and other types of dementia," Dr. DeFina explained. "My centers diagnose and treat a broad spectrum of complex brain disorders through unique approaches. This perspective enables clinicians to design multi-modal solutions with tailored and synergistic interventions that cater to each individual's needs. Effective treatment should extend beyond mere diagnosis, recognizing that every person has distinct strengths and limitations."
With all modalities and advanced treatments available under one roof, Dr. DeFina and his team continue to gain leaps and bounds over the standard care of medicine. They are sought after by numerous government agencies globally for significantly improving critical health conditions. Many cancer centers and physicians in various specialties often refer patients to the treatment center due to their successful track record. Patients looking for general brain health, anti-aging, early intervention, and prevention treatments also seek Dr. DeFina's innovative care. "We have tremendous outcomes for individuals, and many diagnostic categories can have anywhere up to 70-90% improvement rates over time," he said.
With more than 40 years of experience, Dr. DeFina's passion for unraveling the mysteries of the brain continues to be a driving force behind all his work. His methodology gets to the root cause of each patient's disorder by deeply diving into what Dr. DeFina has coined the "integrity-deficit matrix," which takes an all-encompassing approach to understanding and treating diseases. This framework examines all contributing factors—from brain function to the gut microbiome , psychological and environmental stressors, including environmental toxins, and dangerous additives in our food chain—to develop a more personalized and effective treatment protocol for each patient.
"If you look at 100 patients with Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Autism, ADHD, or any other condition, you'll encounter 100 unique variations of the respective disorder, each requiring a personalized approach to achieve the best outcomes," Dr. DeFina said.
"The diathesis-stress model in medicine highlights how underlying predispositions make an individual vulnerable to a disorder, with environmental or other external stressors triggering symptoms. I expand on this concept. It's like integrative medicine on steroids!"
Dr. DeFina has worked as a research scientist and collaborator on the first PETT- Schizophrenia study at NYU-Brookhaven National Laboratory and has been involved in the creation of psychometric tests for ADHD, Memory Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Specific Learning Disabilities, and Aging Brain Disorders.
"I like to think of the development of our new advanced treatment protocols as "bringing brain science to life," Dr. DeFina quipped. His treatment protocols have brought hope to many, as he shares, "We've had people with Parkinson's come here in wheelchairs and shaking, and when finished with the protocols, many were able to walk out with no tremors. We've had people here for three to four months, and our team has seen them progress dramatically," he said.
The IIBE team and Dr. DeFina are not only applying brain science effectively; they are also assisting patients with severe disorders of consciousness (SDOC) in regaining brain functionality. For the past two decades, Dr. DeFina has worked tirelessly to develop and fine-tune a multi-modal advanced clinical care research protocol that utilizes electrical and magnetic stimulation, light and sound therapies, and hyperbaric oxygen treatment in conjunction with pharmaceutical and nutraceutical treatments.
Dr. DeFina began his journey researching disorders of consciousness. In the early 2000s, he returned as a consultant to NYU School of Medicine and worked as a clinical researcher and neuropsychologist at the brain research laboratory. He then became an adjunct associate professor at the NYU School of Medicine and was involved in setting up the first protocols for severe disorders of consciousness/coma. There, he obtained a privately funded, multi-million dollar grant, which allowed Dr. DeFina to start the International Brain Research Foundation and focus on disorders of consciousness.
"We set up the first two-bed unit at NYU-Bellevue Hospital Center in the ICU to treat patients with the new protocol," said Dr. DeFina. A few years later, he moved his research study to the Kessler Institute for rehabilitation and directed a coma and severe disorders of consciousness program there. Dr. DeFina then secured a $7 million grant to the International Brain Research Foundation through the Department of Defense. This alliance led to the successful treatment of 27 out of 30 military personnel experiencing severe disorders of consciousness (SDOC).
"We had a 78% improvement rate with anoxic (lack of oxygen) injuries to the brain with patients being treated from three months to two years post-injury, which is unheard of," Dr. DeFina proudly stated. The current standard of care for recovery of patients with anoxic injuries in hospitals and rehabilitation centers is currently between 5-17% at 1-3 months post-injury in this population.
Even more exciting, for patients with traumatic brain injury resulting in coma and SDOC, Dr. DeFina's team has reached up to 86% improvement rates between three months and two years post-injury, far exceeding the standard of care from hospitals and rehabilitation centers in the United States who have approximately a 20-30% recovery rate.
"These methods alter signal processing to re-establish the brain's electrical patterns with the intent to normalize brain functionality," Dr. DeFina explained. In addition to the individualized combination of neurotherapies there are specific medications and nutraceuticals that are also integrated over a 12-week period. A number of patients have been extended for up to two to three additional cycles in order to reach their maximum levels of recovery.
This proprietary protocol was developed through collaborative research studies from a number of distinguished MDs and PhDs working under the auspices of the International Brain Research Foundation. The research was funded through government and private non-government funding sources to accelerate the recovery rates of individuals with SDOC.
Dr. Philip DeFina is a third-generation military veteran who served as an active-duty soldier within the special operations community of the United States Army. With a deep commitment to giving back to his fellow veterans, a sentiment at the core of his practice,
Dr. DeFina passionately says, "Our veterans deserve more than just our gratitude; they deserve every opportunity for health, well-being, and a life filled with hope."
Dr. DeFina is actively fulfilling this commitment by offering a treatment program, "Save a Soldier/Sailor Project," which is part of his Veterans Advanced Care Program (V-ACP), designed to support chronically disabled men and women who have served in our military at no cost to the veteran.
The program is a 30-day treatment initiative that runs six hours a day, five days a week. It offers a comprehensive, drug-free, advanced care protocol for current and former military personnel from all branches of service who are experiencing symptoms from PTSD, traumatic brain injury, burn pit exposure, and other forms of neurotoxicity that increase debilitating cognitive and emotional impairment and the risk of suicide. Additionally, the IIBE program is working toward expanding funding sources to accept first responders from law enforcement agencies and fire departments throughout the United States.

Army Veteran Michael Fanesi and Dr. Philip DeFina meet to discuss treatment offered through the "Save a Soldier/Sailor Project" at the IIBE Center.
The daily program in the Florida and Virginia centers includes comprehensive advanced treatments which include two Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy sessions per day, EEG/QEEG neurofeedback and a variety of other neurotherapies including sound and light therapies with VEMI, red light technologies, and IV Infusions.
Through its collaborations with other foundations, the program also ensures that every veteran or first responder under this program is provided food, housing, and transportation - when needed - in order to complete treatment.
When signed into the program, Dr. DeFina says patients are diagnosed and treated for their specific needs. "Once we have their QEEG brain mapping along with cognitive and emotional diagnostic testing and comprehensive medical history - we put together the individual's advanced treatment plan," he said. These treatments modify the brains electrical system to improve brain functions which we believe create healthier new pathways that extinguish maladaptive patterns of functioning. Once the electrical system is re-booted it positively impacts brain chemistry.
At the culmination of the program, a final diagnostic evaluation is compared to the initial assessment and reviewed with the patient. This is followed by an exit interview in which the patient is able to articulate the effectiveness of the program.
"I'm hoping to enter into this program. I feel it could help me with some of the issues I have from being a combat veteran," said Michael Fanesi, a U.S. Army veteran who served honorably in the 10th Mountain Division/10th Military Police Company during Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF-IV) in Afghanistan. "Getting to know Dr. DeFina and seeing how he's helped so many veterans and other patients makes me trust him and the process."
The "Save a Soldier/Sailor Project" is offered at no cost to military and first responder personnel thanks to charitable donations to IIBE. Without contributions, Dr. DeFina says the combination of advanced treatments would cost $25,000. per patient, during the month of treatment - making these innovative treatments accessible by an ongoing process of accessing funds through grants and personal fundraising efforts.
Dr. DeFina and his treatment teams are very proud to announce that the hundreds of military veterans who had prior suicidal ideation or attempts have not committed suicide following the successful completion of the program.
Looking to the future, Dr. DeFina would like to see more centers that provide these novel care neuromodalities as opposed to reliance on prescription medication. Yet, most treatment facilities and some of the largest healthcare organizations all seem to be stuck in an antiquated system of pharmacological interventions that have significant side effects while not always providing relief of symptoms, leading to many people discontinuing medications.
Dr. DeFina feels that brain mapping methodologies and comprehensive neuropsychological assessments are critical to understanding the efficacy of these treatments.
The Veterans Administration, which is the largest hospital care system in the United States, is currently not utilizing any of these sophisticated diagnostic tools, such as QEEG brain mapping combined with comprehensive neuropsychological testing to assess each veterans' recovery.
It has taken many years for the VA to incorporate additional therapeutic interventions such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), and Prolonged Exposure, and EMDR for individuals with PTSD. While these therapies have proven to be effective, they have extremely high drop-out rates, and as a result do not provide the long-lasting results that Dr. DeFina's protocol offers. Additionally, it is important to note that approximately 30-40% of PTSD patients with abnormal QEEG phenotypes may not benefit from these interventions. By not offering this type of brain mapping procedure in the first place, the VA is not able to properly select the most effective types of therapies for these patients, Dr. DeFina said.
"When individuals are evaluated and diagnosed with a specific disorder, they are all treated as if they are the same; it's like a 'one-size-fits-all' diagnostic category," says Dr. DeFina."However, if you have 100 people with the same diagnosis, whether it's ADHD, schizophrenia, Parkinson's, or Alzheimer's, no matter what it is, you have 100 distinct variations of the disorder," he explained. "Therefore, the treatment modalities need to be customized to the individual's unique symptoms and strengths.
Everything about that person has to be understood in the framework of knowing their genetics, their biome, and their brain functioning. Once you understand the intra-individual differences, then you can select how to fine-tune and tweak protocols for that person. When clinicians are able to adhere to this process they can have magical results."
To learn more about Dr. Philip DeFina and the innovative treatment programs available, please visit the International Institute for Brain Enhancement/Hyperbaric Services of the Palm Beaches, the Advanced Brain Center of Virginia, and the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy of Northern Virginia. Additionally, to support ongoing research efforts, we ask that you kindly consider making a donation to the International Brain Research Foundation.