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Military Neck: Get your spine in line!

By Dara Mormile

You might think the condition known as “Military Neck” only happens to those who served in the line of duty. 
   Many have never heard of this rare spine curvature condition that causes the head to tilt forward and give the appearance of ‘standing at attention’, the growing degenerative disc disease could also become more common in those who are glued to tech and their devices - straining their neck muscles at their desk and never taking a moment to get a good stretch in their day. 
   South Florida Chiropractor Dr. Russ Tannenbaum, D.C., P.A. specializes in treating Military Neck, among other chiropractic woes, and told Preferred Health Magazine that this condition is treatable in some circumstances. 
  Spinal curve deformity can result from genetics, congenital kyphosis - which means one is born with a disability or has an unusual spine development - and even cervical spondylosis, which is a type of arthritis of the neck that occurs as discs wear down and bones rub against each other. Degenerating discs can cause arthritis, which could also lead to the spine collapsing as the head tilts forward and the neck starts to curve. 
   “Some babies are born with this condition — if their neck is strained during childbirth, it could start at the beginning of one’s life. But one could also get Military Neck if they’re in an accident or they have a job that puts their body in constant distress,” Dr. Tannenbaum said. “It’s rare but it’s not a very painful condition because the body adapts to not having a regular curve over the course of several years." 
   The compassionate specialist is trying to veer away from pushing medications on his patients, noting the body can heal itself with proper care. His job as a chiropractor is to adjust the cervical spine and fluids in the joints that could cause irritation. 

The doctor’s recommendation for Military Neck treatments include: 
* Utilizing specific exercises that strengthen 
shoulder and neck muscles
* Regular physical therapy treatments and 
chiropractic care 
* Sleep with one cervical orthopedic pillow under your  neck - most have a cutout in the middle of the pillow for natural support, which may put the normal curve back into the neck 
* Posture braces can be useful for some conditions     where the person is always slouching 
* Acupuncture can also help as a holistic alternative to the consistent use of painkillers 

However, he’s more concerned about the gradual spine deterioration many could endure from their day-to-day attachment to gadgets. 
  “People are on their cell phones a lot, texting - which we can’t get away from - they’re on their computers constantly,  sitting a lot - that could gradually cause Military Neck to develop and other arthritic changes… It can also set you up for headaches and extensive neck pain,” he added. 

​Dr. Tannenbaum noted another, similar condition, scoliosis - a curvature of the spine - that can be corrected in children up to 18 years old. 
   According to the doctor, pediatricians often neglect spinal treatments and many don’t recommend consistent correctional chiropractic care for children who already have some evidence of back problems or posture issues. 
   The skilled chiropractor has been treating patients for over 40 years - from three year olds with ear infections and colic to 100 year olds with bad knees - and said one of the biggest myths about treating Military Neck is believing that you have to keep going to a doctor or physical therapist every week just to get better. 
   “You do need intervention - which could be holistic or therapeutic, but it’s similar to taking care of your car - your body needs a tune-up once in a while - not just when it’s in traction, and something’s broken down,” he said earnestly. “If you take care of yourself - treat the root cause at the beginning of your pains and assess your lifestyle - it’s maintenance that can save your life.” 
   Sylvia Robinson, 73, developed Military Neck about twenty years ago and has been undergoing physical therapy for several years to help alleviate the complications of a growing skeletal problem. 
   “I had a desk job for so many years with an insurance company and I really didn’t move around much,” she said. “I didn’t think about how it would affect my posture or anything as the years went on…Sometimes it’s hard to walk sort of hunched over -but I just take it slow and keep active if I can.” 
   If you’re wondering about surgical procedures that could correct Military Neck, most doctors wouldn’t recommend going to this extreme. In fact, Dr. Tannenbaum said he estimates that about 300,000 back surgeries are conducted annually, and about 60 % aren’t necessary! 
   No matter what your lifestyle consists of, make sure you take care of your skeletal and spinal health! 
Your back and neck will thank you! 

A prominent South Florida chiropractor since 1982, Dr. Russ Tannenbaum serves patients seeking chiropractors in Margate, Coconut Creek, Coral Springs, Tamarac, northwest Broward, and the surrounding areas. To date, Dr. Tannenbaum and his caring staff have successfully treated thousands of everyday injuries, work injuries as well as auto accident patients. 
His intimate knowledge of chiropractic, nutritional and holistic principles enable Dr. Tannenbaum to customize a treatment plan that offers fast pain relief, corrects imbalances throughout the body, and restores normal function, range of motion, movement and functionality. 

Visit his web site for more information on his services: 

Fix my Military Neck
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