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Kimberly Meredith cover feature of Preferred Health Magazine

"It's the higher dimensional frequency of the omnipresent that wants you to accept it, to be healed."

Awakening to the Fifth Dimension By Kimberly Meredith

By Angelina Cappiello

Do you believe in angels on earth? I do!
Fortunately, Preferred Health Magazine has been blessed with speaking to one of them, sharing her incredible journey from tragedy to divine intervention, and her life of healing others.

Her name is Kimberly Meredith. She is a renowned medical intuitive, psychic medium, best-selling author, and a healer to more than 5,0000 people worldwide of sickness and disease. Some of today's notable parapsychological experts and esteemed neurologists have attested to her healing abilities - gifts that she says flow through her by the Holy Spirit and guides from beyond.

I got to know Kimberly last year when I reviewed her book, "Awakening to the Fifth Dimension, Discovering the Soul's Path To Healing" for our 2022 Spring edition. This time, I wanted to learn more about her healing power and what reaching the "fifth dimension" means for everyday people like you and me.

"And I put my hands on the bird and brought it back to life"

PHM: When was the first time you realized or had a sense of your gift?

How old were you?
Kimberly Meredith:
I had a sense of my gift early on. When I was around five years old, I started to feel my hands were hot as I was healing an animal. I had done healing on my grandma, who had suffered from asthma her whole life.

As a child, she had a lot of near-fatal experiences with her asthma.
I would just rub my hands together, and put healing on her lungs; and I would say, "let me do this" and she would let me. She thought it was very sweet, but it was helping. I was helping heal her. There were many incidences where she saw me picking up a bird that had passed away, and I'd put my hands on the bird and bring it back to life. Just different things were going on like that. When I was little, and then as I matured in kindergarten, second and third grade,
I was doing healings in school. There were some kids in the bathroom, and I'd say, "oh, do you want to have a healing?" And they were like, "yeah, I don't feel good" or "my tummy hurts." So I would rub my hands together, and I was healing them. I remember I got called into the Principal's office because I was telling kids that I was reincarnated.

PHM: You're saying things like you were "reincarnated". You're asking kids if they'd like to be healed. Did you have this sense, a realization that you were gifted?
No, no, I was thinking this is just something I was doing- like I would want to play dentist and doctor a lot. I didn't know the name 'healer' really. I just thought that's just something I would watch on TV or see Native Americans do. I thought that was something I liked. I loved watching movies with Mary and Jesus, and I loved to pray. But I was getting reprimanded in the school district. I was also held back for dyslexia and because I was blinking a lot, but I now know I had that communication with spirit. I didn't know that's what it was then. They thought I was just Dyslexic and that I had learning disabilities. They didn't know that I was a medium and a psychic.

PHM: What did your parents think about your gift? Were they accepting?
My mom was Italian, and my father was Scotch, Irish, Canadian German, and Jewish. So, I had this mixture going on. My mom was in the entertainment business. She was an actress and didn't really accept it. My grandmother on my dad's side was very cool with it. She understood me wanting to use my gifts,
but my mom did not. It did not sit well with her.

PHM: Did she understand what was happening? Was she afraid?
I think so. I think because I never knew any of this then, but my great grandma, her grandmother Josephina, was a healer in Italy. I only heard about it after my second near-death experience (NDE), when they lived in Genoa and Sicily, and she was very well-known for her healing abilities. They moved out of Italy, came on a boat, and ended up in Jamestown, NY, near Lilydale. There, she practiced her Italian healing shamanism. In Jamestown, it was kept a secret.

   A lot of family doctors sent people to her, and she did healings in the back kitchen area with lots of herbs and supplements. And she had a sachet of prayers and only spoke Italian. My great-grandmother wanted all her daughters to get the gifts, but none of them did. They never got any of the healing abilities. And so, it was sort of like a hush-hush situation that went on.
   Nobody in the family got any of these gifts after my near-death experience (NDE),

and it was sad that her daughter, my grandmother, and my mom died very young.

But luckily, one relative was alive, my great-aunt, the daughter of my great-grandmother. She called me up when I was in the hospital. She asked, How are you, Kimmy? I said,

'Not good.  I lost my life. Hanging on.' And she goes, 'What happened?' And I told her I saw Jesus,  and He came to me and said I want you to live. I want you to stay. And I said, "Aunt Stella, I saw a woman. She came to me right in my face. She had very dark skin because part of our Italian family was from Sicily and very dark-skinned. My mom was very dark. In fact, nobody ever thought I was my mom's child.
   Who was I describing, the woman that came to me when I had the NDE?

And my aunt Stella said, "That is your grandma Josephina. She is a shaman." And I'm getting chills right now because she comes to me all the time. Then I had gone home from the hospital. Trying to get better was taking a long time, and I was in a wheelchair.

As I progressed, I started becoming who I am right now. I started speaking in Italian and saying these specific prayers. Now the story gets even more interesting!

   These specific prayers. That were in this sachet that she was trying to get my grandmother and my other aunts to learn to be this healer that she wanted all of them to be there are the exact prayers that I do in my rosary class that I've been doing for the last seven years. I teach the rosary. When I started going out in front of hundreds and hundreds of people and laying hands on people I've never said the rosary, and I never laid hands on people and did this type of work through the Virgin Mary.

Kimberly Meredith

PHM: Let's go back for a minute. In your book, you say after your first Near Death Experience (NDE), you started to flutter your eyes and feel all those sensations, and you say that you heard the voice of God. Tell me about that experience.
That was when I was at the hospital. I had that first encounter with the Holy Spirit coming through my body. I've had the voice of the Holy Spirit come in quite a few times and through my third eye. The encounter of the Holy Spirit when I had my near-death experience was a direct message to stay here, to come back. That's when I was out of my body. The encounter with the Holy Spirit after I had come home from the hospital.
   I had one more NDE in the book, which was when I left my body, and the angels were coming in, and the encounter of the Holy Spirit again said to stay here and be on a mission to help raise consciousness and help others.

PHM: So, who is do the healing, Kimberly or the Holy Spirit?
That's a great question. You know, after I received the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit healed me because I was open to being healed. I learned how to communicate and become a full-blown medium and then a healer because my work is in two separate dimensions. One is the medium that I can go through a body and find everything that's wrong with you, which is the root cause of why you have something and maybe you don't even know you have it. And then the next part is, I'm told to help heal; to heal your body if you want to be healed. So, it's not Kimberly that does the healing; it's the higher dimensional frequency of the omnipresent that wants you to accept, to be healed.

And not only is the omnipresent working through me to help you be healed, they want to teach you how to heal. And I can't ever take credit for being the actual healer.

I'm a messenger helping you to be healed. I'm a co-healer.
   What's super cool is once you are healed; how you stay healed
is by living in gratitude. When you're living in gratitude, you go out and serve and tell people how you were healed. That's part of raising your consciousness and moving out of the third dimension, which is the worry and the fear and the suffering. Now, sometimes people say that sounds so easy, and it is easy. But why the guides? I feel the spirit loves us too. Understand this is a pathway of healing in a cohesive understanding. You could have a lymph node or a tumor on the side of your throat, and it could leave in two or three seconds! That happens with me. Like, that's like my daily life. I can lay hands on you and say you're in the 5th dimension, I am love, I am light, and we can dissolve that off of you. Or you can have a breast lump, and it could just leave. We praise God for that.
But it could come back because you're not in the gratefulness of the omnipresent, and then maybe you're going back to drinking tap water, or you're maybe not practicing your gratitude list every day, or you're not understanding that we can't have plastic in our lives. So it's everything together. It has to be a combination of lifestyle and raising our spiritual life. It's a healthy balance of everything. Relationships are super important also, how we're dealing with our relationships and emotional health.

PHM: Did your "guides" also tell you about the correct use of water, saying no to plastic, and the dynamics of relationships?
Yes, Angelina, they have communicated in sign language not only about the medical intuitive mediumship readings through people's bodies. You know, if you have a tumor or have cancer, they message me information about that frequency. I may know if a person's frequency is a level 4 or 10. So then, of course, you're not going to be on the same frequency level at that time. Or your marriage is not at the right frequency, so you need to work on the frequency and move it up. They also message me about the afterlife, so I know, and I speak to the people that have crossed over too.
   When I first became a medium, I wasn't at the level I am now. I am a much higher-level medium now than I was when my book first came out. But the book has a lot of information about how to raise our consciousness and be in the 5th dimension and understand that we need to eliminate the third-dimensional world, and we are doing that. We are excitingly moving rapidly into the 5th dimension.

PHM: You say that we are moving away from this third dimension of worry, sickness, and stress, and towards the fifth dimension. What is happening that's changing us at this time?
Well, an example is going into a grocery store per se that says it's organic or healthy. There may be only two or three healthy items in that store. So going into a regular grocery store may actually be healthier for you. Many things will shift in the next four years, like LED lighting- I talk about that in the book. Farmer's markets are going to become more popular because that's really organic; soy products will be eliminated from foods; on-the-go foods stored in plastic containers will be eliminated. You might as well make your own food, buy it and cut it up. Making it yourself is better than buying the food already made. Many of my clients have hormonal imbalances or stage four cancers and don't understand how they get them. Many of my clients have hormonal imbalances,

or they have stage-four cancers. And they don't understand how they're getting them.

​    They're saying, oh, this is ‘organic, fresh foods’, but they're taking them on the go in plastic containers and they're eating pure chemicals. And they don't mean to do that.

It's just what it looks like. It is fast. The 3D world is depopulating rapidly.
I can say I know about over 250 vitamins at certain markets and stores that will probably be off the shelves. There is a gamut of vitamins and supplements that will be on the shelf that are 100% natural and organic and lovely for us to have. The other vitamins have dyes, and those chewable vitamins go in your intestinal tract and cause health problems.

PHM: So if we're coming out of the third dimension,

what does the 4th dimension entail?
You know the 4th-dimensional frequency is a beautiful frequency. It's spirituality. People who love and pray are in a spiritual vibration state, and that's beautiful.

The planet has more 4th dimensional people than you would think. I run into more 4th dimensional people in my practice. These people are nurses, firemen, and even people who work for computers because they serve people. So, 4th-dimensional people are earth angels, and they're moms, people who are helping and serving and who are loving and kind. So the 4th, 4th dimension is the angelic round. That even goes for animals. They are in the 4th dimension. When you enter the 5th dimension, you're getting into where I live now. We're talking about telepathic. We're talking about time-lines.

PHM: I believe we are born with the divine spirit within us, and as we grow, everything that goes on in our lives becomes a distraction from our divinity.

The way back to our true selves can be achieved by returning to our spirituality, practicing meditation, being creative, etc. Is that the fifth dimension?
The 5th Dimension is really understanding. You're setting your intentions of being open to miracles when you're in that 5th-dimensional vibe. It is so awesome. You are in the zone. You know we're not always in the same dimension every day. You can bounce from 4th to 5th.
   The 5th dimension is being super creative. It's being open. It's where you're told you have stage four cancer and you only have 24 hours to live, but you say, 'No! I'm going to live on gratitude. I'm going to do everything I can, and I'm going to follow my regimens. I'm going to pray. I'm staying here.' And that person lives another ten years. So, the 5th-dimensional cosmic energy is awesome, and that is where we're going to be living permanently. One more thing about being in the 5th dimension, it's a holistic way of health, but it can have room for the Western community of medicine. Many of my clients come from doctors. They send them to me; we work together.

PHM: Tell me about the first person you were able to heal outside of your childhood healings.
I've had so many lovely experiences where the guides have used me with healing. The very few first experiences I've had were through cancer. I'm known, especially for dissolving lumps and tumors off people. My guides do not like breast cancer or prostate cancer. And if you're in a large room like an event, it's almost like I'm a puppy dog. They're going to smell it and find it. I did an event in Sedona, AZ, and I got booked there by a booking agent. I was in the room, and I'll never forget it; I got up and I said my guides are going to pick the person that needs it the most today. And I walked out, and I said I got a feeling that it was somebody in the front row and a lady sitting in the front. I said, "They're telling me it's you." And she shook her head, and she came up to the stage. I went over her body, and said, "they're telling me that you've got an energy." I didn't say cancer, but an "energy over the left breast," and she said, "yes, I have breast cancer."
   The room had over 200 people. I laid hands over her breast. Chills went through my body, which they do; my lips went numb, which they do, and they just take me out. I saw myself standing there, and I went around to everybody in the room, and they started praying. They were ohm-ing, and it just dissolved. She did two more sessions with me when I was there, and then not only did she have that gone, but she had no more lymphoma. One month later, I got an e-mail from her husband who said his wife had been totally healed; the lump was gone from the breast, and her numbers had completely shifted.

PHM: When people are being healed, do they feel something happening?
Normally when a lump or a tumor is removed, you feel the Holy Spirit going through your body and you feel it. Sometimes people cry, sometimes they shake, but you feel the Holy Spirit release it out of your body. It is Christ taking it out and dissolving it.

PHM: That’s amazing! Have you ever worked on a skeptic?
Funny story, the Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo is the biggest expo in the country. Marianne Williamson [a celebrity spiritual guru and a 2024 Presidential Candidate] and some of the biggest expo people are headliners. They didn't know me yet.
   So, I scanned the Expo producer and my guides found a breast lump; like I told you my guides don't like breast lumps. Her breast lump was benign. So, we laid hands on her breast lump and they removed it in one minute. She called me up afterwards and she said, "It's gone! It's completely gone!" I said, "Well, we knew that day it was gone." I told her, "Your homework for the next three days is, you have to say, "I'm healed", the

'Our Father', and say, 'I am love, I am light, I am healed; and say you're grateful.'

So, she did that.


A couple of weeks later, she called and said, "we'd like to book you at the Expo." I said okay, and I've been at the Expo many years since then. In front of 200 people, she gave a testimony telling everybody about her healing. That was a long time ago since then.

I think there's been over 5,000 people that have had tumors removed or more since.

PHM: There's so much going on in the world. It's been tough to stay optimistic post-Covid.
What advice can you give to help our readers keep a positive outlook on the future?
I was talking to a doctor the other day. Somebody I've known for a long time.

And he says his patients come in, and it feels like there's been a sprinkle over the world of sleepy dust, everyone's really tired, and everyone's a little depressed. I say it's because of the water and pollution; then COVID hit, and everybody's very sad. Many people have passed, which is the third-dimensional de-population. In the 5th dimension, what's coming is the rise of the light, the workers, and the filling of our cup with the intention of gratitude. I say to everybody, get your journals out in the morning when you get up, say,

"I am going to have an amazing day. Thank you, spirit. Thank you, guides."

It's so important to know you're not alone. Some people feel very alone right now.

But you always have someone from the other side with you, helping you, being there for you.

To listen to PHM's interview with Kimberly Meredith in its entirety visit


To learn more about Kimberly Meredith or to purchase her book, 'Awakening to the Fifth Dimension, Discovering the Soul's Path To Healing' visit and be sure to check her out at the Omega Institute Retreat in Rhinebeck, NY, September 10-15 for her "Living in the Fifth Dimension" workshop.

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